Testimony City Budget

Testimony on New York City Police Department's Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Budget

Submitted to the City Council Committee on Public Safety

March 18, 2022

Thank you for the opportunity to testify before the Committee on Public Safety regarding the New York City Police Department's (NYPD's) Fiscal Year 2023 Preliminary Budget. I am Patrick Ronk, Research Associate at the Citizens Budget Commission (CBC), a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank and watchdog dedicated to constructive change in the services, finances, and policies of New York City and New York State governments.

Earlier today, CBC released an analysis of the NYPD’s budget that identified six major fiscal takeaways:

First, the fiscal year 2023 NYPD budget—including both the department’s operating budget and central expenses—is projected to be $10.8 billion. While next year’s NYPD operating budget is currently $216 million lower than fiscal year 2022, it will increase as the City recognizes federal security grants that are not in the budget now.

Second, while the February update reduced the City-funded portion of NYPD’s fiscal year 2022 operating budget by $533 million, to $4.6 billion, this did not reduce the resources available to the department—they were replaced with $500 million in federal COVID-related aid. This federal offset is for one year only. City funds return to around $5.1 billion annually in fiscal years 2023 to 2026.

Third, the NYPD’s PEG is relatively small. Among the ten largest City agencies subject to the PEG, NYPD’s proportional cut was the fourth lowest in fiscal year 2022 and the second lowest in fiscal year 2023. The department’s fiscal year 2022 PEG was 2.2 percent of the department’s City-funded operating budget. Only one-third of these savings recur, primarily from eliminating 210 vacant civilian positions.

Fourth, the NYPD is likely to exceed its overtime budget by over $200 million in fiscal year 2022. The fiscal year 2022 overtime budget is now $513 million. However, through February 20, 2022, the NYPD has already spent $477 million on overtime.  At the current rate, fiscal year 2022 overtime spending could reach $742 million, closer to pre-pandemic levels. The fiscal year 2023 budget includes only $430 million for overtime. CBC has long highlighted the need to rein in overtime spending, and significant managerial controls will be necessary to keep uniformed overtime closer to budgeted levels this year and next.

Fifth, after a reduction of 1,171 positions in fiscal year 2021, NYPD’s authorized uniformed headcount remains at 35,030 throughout the financial plan. Authorized civilian headcount increases slightly.

Sixth, Mayor Adams reversed the planned transfer of School Safety from the NYPD to the Department of Education (DOE), leaving 5,290 School Safety personnel within the NYPD.

Thank you and I am happy to answer any questions.

For more of CBC’s research on the NYPD’s budget, see:

Seven Facts About the NYPD Budget
Was the NYPD Budget Cut by $1 Billion?
We Fund the Police
Five Fast Facts About the NYPD’s FY 2022 Adopted Budget