
Committees of Trustees oversee the Commission’s research and take policy positions based on that research. CBC currently has five research committees; other committees are created on an ad hoc basis. Past ad hoc committees include the Special Committee on Federal Tax Changes, Health, Solid Waste Management, State & Local Realignment, Rent Regulation, Public-Private Partnerships, Parks, and Public Authority Reform.

Budget Policy

The Budget Policy Committee reviews City and State financial plans and develops policy positions on the proposed and adopted budgets. The Committee also oversees research on public services, collective bargaining, public employee health insurance, and pension benefits. The Committee recently made recommendations on the appropriate use of federal pandemic-related aid to avoid fiscal cliffs, State fiscal and budget management processes, and NYC Department of Education spending and enrollment.

Alair Townsend and Antonio Weiss, Co-Chairs


The Competitiveness Committee focuses on how the New York metropolitan region can become more competitive for jobs and residents. Previously, the Committee released a scorecard on the competitiveness of the New York region in attracting educated and talented workers. The Committee is now planning panels on resident and business migration and infrastructure investment.

Tom Rousakis, Chair

Economic Development & Housing

The Economic Development & Housing Committee assesses the effectiveness of state and municipal economic development and housing programs and seeks to identify ways to make these public sector efforts more cost-effective and accountable. It actively monitors and evaluates State and local economic development programs. The Committee recently released recommendations to improve land use decision-making in New York City, and has ongoing efforts focused on housing production, the viability of public housing, and the cost-effectiveness of State and local economic development incentives.

Karim Hutson and Mark Willis, Co-Chairs

Energy & Environment Committee

The Energy & Environment Committee monitors State and City carbon reduction and public/private energy consumption efforts and agendas; addresses whether planned energy efficiency efforts and emissions reductions are plausible; and assesses whether specific State and City programs are cost-effective and consistent with the broader strategies for reliable, resilient, and affordable energy systems. The Committee has ongoing efforts on how best to implement the City’s Local Law 97 and the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, including developing criteria and recommendations for a cap-and-invest program. 

Helena Durst and Lynn Rasic, Co-Chairs

Transportation & Infrastructure

The Transportation & Infrastructure Committee focuses on the finances of New York’s transportation infrastructure, including those of the City, State, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NYS Thruway Authority, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Committee recently made recommendations that would dramatically reduce the MTA’s structural budget gap, improve the MTA’s capital planning and prioritization, and continues to advocate for congestion pricing.

Ken Gibbs, Chair