
March 21, 2017

A Republican health care idea worth considering

New York state should assume counties' Medicaid costs

The fundamentals of the issue are pretty simple. The state sets Medicaid policy but forces counties and New York City to pick up a share of the cost, now averaging about 19%. It is a classic unfunded mandate. Only 15 other states make a similar demand. The Citizens Budget Commission, for one, has been calling for a state takeover for years.
March 20, 2017

City Girds for Major Federal Cuts Under Trump Budget, Health Plan

Mr. Niblack’s comments came in response to a question from ABNY panel moderator Maria Doulis, vice president of the Citizens Budget Commission. “There are certainly risks on the Federal side” in terms of budget cuts, she said, but “there is also this question mark about the economy.”

She continued, “The monitors released their reports of the city plan and they find the economic growth, at least in terms of jobs being added, is slowing. This is also the first time in an expansionary period that I remember seeing non-property tax revenues, which are more economically sensitive, be essentially flat” for the current fiscal year and the next.”
March 09, 2017

Memo to the city: Don't forget middle-income housing

More than 150,000 moderate- and middle-income households in New York City are still rent burdened, according to a 2015 Citizens Budget Commission policy brief. When families are rent-burdened—meaning they pay more than 30% of household income on rent—they often find it hard to afford other necessities such as health care and child care. Middle-income earners in New York deserve better.
March 07, 2017

The Downside of Ride-Hailing: More New York City Gridlock

In New York — Uber’s largest United States market — yellow cab trips are dropping, while the use of ride-hailing services has skyrocketed to about 16 million passengers in October from about five million in June 2015, according to an independent report on ride-hailing apps. The price of a taxi medallion has plummeted, many drivers have abandoned cabs for ride-hailing services and taxis sit idle in garages.
The Citizens Budget Commission, an independent watchdog, has also questioned whether New York can still count on the $1.2 billion in revenue it expects to collect from the future sale of taxi medallions, because their value has sunk.