
March 05, 2024

Is New York City Back? Not for Everyone.

The New York Times

And in many parts of New York, especially among the working class, it does not feel like the city is back on its feet. The poverty rate has soared to 23 percent, up from 18 percent in 2021. Demand for food stamps and cash assistance has surged. The housing crunch is the worst it has been in more than 50 years, with a rental vacancy rate of only 1.4 percent.
March 01, 2024

Top Bloomberg aide honored

Politico New York

Dan Doctoroff, former deputy mayor for economic development and rebuilding under Mayor Mike Bloomberg, was honored by the Citizens Budget Commission with an award named for Felix Rohatyn, who’s credited with saving New York from a different disaster: the 1970s fiscal crisis.
February 29, 2024

Scrutinizing NYC class sizes

Politico New York

City Council education chair Rita Joseph will present legislation at an Education Committee hearing to require the city to report actual class sizes and expand reports on the number of students in special programs like students with disabilities and English language learners.