Letter Pensions & Benefits

CBC Encourages Governor Cuomo to Veto Four Pension Sweeteners

July 13, 2015

The Honorable Andrew Cuomo


Executive Chamber

State Capitol

Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo,

I am writing on behalf of the Citizens Budget Commission to recommend you veto four bills that would increase the cost of public employee retirement benefits.

During the 2015 session State legislators introduced well over 50 bills to enhance State and local government employee pensions and benefits. Although far fewer passed both houses, the volume of bills introduced is concerning. State and local government employers are just beginning to experience savings from the 2012 Tier VI pension reforms. ‘Sweeteners’ should not be permitted to undo this hard won achievement.

We therefore urge you to veto A7490/S3010, A6771A/S4907, A5327C/S3948B, and A7547/S5785. While these four bills would not in themselves have a serious fiscal impact, they are a slippery slope toward a costly rollback of savings for New York taxpayers.


Carol Kellermann
