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Podcast Episode
December 06, 2017
Podcast Episode
December 06, 2017

10 years, with Michael Jacobson 10 years, with Michael Jacobson

10 years is the amount of time the de Blasio administration says it will take to shut down Rikers Island.

Special guest Michael Jacobson is the executive director of the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance. He was once the City's Correction Commissioner as well as the Probation Commissioner.  He is a member of the Lippman Commission, convened by the City Council to solve the crisis at Rikers. Michael joined the podcast to discuss the Commission's findings--namely to close Rikers and move the inmates to facilities near courthouses and civic centers throughout the boroughs.
Podcast Episode
November 16, 2017
Podcast Episode
November 16, 2017

44 days, with NYC Council Member Daniel Garodnick 44 days, with NYC Council Member Daniel Garodnick

44 is the number of days left in term-limited Council Member Daniel Garodnick's tenure. Council Member Garodnick has been a voice of reason in the City Council, having raised important questions about the city budget, economic development, and contracts. He chairs the City Council's Committee on Economic Development, is on the budget negotiating team, and in his final months has been fighting to pass reform of the commercial rent tax.
November 13, 2017
November 13, 2017

The Challenges of Enhancing Effective Engagement of Community Based Organizations in Performing Provider Systems The Challenges of Enhancing Effective Engagement of Community Based Organizations in Performing Provider Systems

The first of a series of symposiums

This event is the first of a series of symposiums on challenges in implementing Medicaid redesign strategies. Keynote address and presentation were given by NYS Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson.