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Podcast Episode
November 11, 2022
Podcast Episode
November 11, 2022

1 in 3, with Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz 1 in 3, with Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz

1 in 3 is the number of households in New York City that are severely rent burdened. That means nearly 600,000 households are spending more than half of their monthly income on rent, electricity, and heat. At a recent CBC Trustee event, Jessica Katz, NYC's Chief Housing Officer, discussed how the Adams administration is tackling NYC's housing needs and managing its housing agenda to ensure success.
Podcast Episode
October 04, 2022
Podcast Episode
October 04, 2022

2 1/2, the Land Use Edition 2 1/2, the Land Use Edition

2 1/2 is the average number of years it takes a private rezoning application to get approved in New York City, and that doesn't include the often lengthy informal pre-review negotiations. This is one of many findings in CBC's report "Improving New York City's Land Use Decision-Making Process," which can be found at At a special panel discussion, Maria Torres-Springer, the Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development, delivered opening remarks on the Administration's efforts to tackle New York's housing challenges, followed by a policy panel steeped in experience with New York City's land use process.
Podcast Episode
July 06, 2022
Podcast Episode
July 06, 2022

28, with Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer 28, with Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer

28 is the number of core strategies and initiatives in Mayor Eric Adams' recently unveiled plan - "Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent: A Blueprint for NYC Economic Recovery." The blueprint focuses on small businesses, entrepreneurship, an equitable economy and inclusive growth, connecting New Yorkers to quality jobs, and more. At an event with CBC Trustees, Maria Torres-Springer, the Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development, discussed the blueprint's important elements and how they will benefit current and future New Yorkers.
Podcast Episode
April 19, 2022
Podcast Episode
April 19, 2022

$220 billion, with Senator Liz Krueger $220 billion, with Senator Liz Krueger

$220 billion is the reported size of the New York State fiscal year 2023 budget that the Governor and Legislature adopted on April 10. The budget includes a property tax rebate and a tax holiday, and increases State spending about $14 billion, with more money for education aid, day care, rent relief, health care, and a new stadium, among other programs. Joining the podcast to unpack the new budget is Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee, Senator Liz Krueger.
Podcast Episode
March 18, 2022
Podcast Episode
March 18, 2022

$0, with Robert Mujica $0, with Robert Mujica

$0 is the size of the New York State budget deficit in each year of New York State’s five-year Executive Budget financial plan, as proposed by Governor Kathy Hochul. The Governor’s budget proposal balances the budget in each of the next five years, an unprecedented level of fiscal stability for the State. This balance and fiscal strength is driven by strong State tax receipts and extraordinary federal fiscal relief. The proposed budget also makes significant deposits to reserves. At an event with CBC Trustees, New York State Budget Director Robert Mujica presented the details of the State’s budget, and the fiscal and economic outlook going forward.