Press Mention

Check out salaries and overtime paid by city's 15 largest agencies

Staten Island Advance

October 30, 2018

The average salary for the 297,000 full-time active employees on New York City's payroll in fiscal year 2018 was $80,978, according to a report from the nonpartisan Citizens Budget Commission.

Total salaries are comprised of base salary, overtime, and other pay, which includes payments for longevity, differentials for night work, specific assignments and holiday pay, CBC said.

The city's uniformed workforce earn an average annual salary of $107,000, civilian employees earn an average of $70,726; while teachers earn an average salary of $76,114.

The CBC pointed out that higher earnings for uniformed employees are driven mostly by overtime and "other pay."
"Uniformed employees earn on average between $15,000 and $23,000 per year in overtime; however, in several agencies, including the Departments of Transportation, Correction, Citywide Administrative Services, and Fire, overtime for civilians exceeds $10,000 per year on average," the CBC said.