Press Mention

NYC FERRY City Tweaks Ferry Pricing in Wake of Audit With $4 Tix, But Is It Too Shallow?


July 14, 2022

Andrew Rein, the president of the independent Citizens Budget Commission, praised the fare adjustment as “welcome progress,” but believes that the base fare should be closer to the $6.75 fare the MTA charges on express bus routes.

“While EDC is employing the right approach, it is starting with lower fares than CBC recommends,” Rein said in a statement.

He added that the city should also consider charging higher fares on weekends and on longer routes with higher operating costs while reassessing the most-subsidized routes.

Rein said the ultimate test will be if the city subsidy per ferry ride — which was $12.88 for Fiscal Year 2021, according to the comptroller’s report — will be reduced.