Press Mention

Predictions! Experts Look Ahead to 2019 in New York Politics

Gotham Gazette

December 31, 2018

As we usually do around this time of year, Gotham Gazette asked New York politicos to look into their crystal balls for predictions for the year ahead. Below you'll find insights from elected officials, advocates, analysts, and others who are tuned in to New York politics.

We know that 2019 will be interesting given that Democrats are taking full control of state government, there's a new New York attorney general, there will be a new New York City public advocate, the MTA and NYCHA must be rescued, and more. But what *exactly* will happen? Read below for some ideas.

Carol Kellermann, president of Citizens Budget Commission
-The City Property Tax Commission makes a proposal for a more fair and transparent property tax structure and it is enacted by the NYS Legislature.
-In its upcoming contract negotiations the TWU proposes a three year wage freeze to help address the serious fiscal stress on the MTA.