
May 13, 2021

Candidates gear up for first TV debate as mayor's race moves to prime time


On Thursday night, the eight top candidates in the Democratic primary will face off in the first televised debate of the campaign season. For some, the two-hour event is a chance to land direct punches in conflicts that have been simmering on the trail for months. For others, it’s an opportunity to introduce themselves to voters, many of whom are just tuning into the race now.
May 10, 2021

How Bill de Blasio is sabotaging NYC’s next mayor

New York Post

Mayor Bill de Blasio calls it his “Recovery Budget,” but it’s actually a sad bid to put some shine on his legacy while sabotaging his successor.

De Blasio’s own announcement of his record $98.6 billion spending plan for fiscal year 2022 crowed that “almost $6 billion in direct local aid will be used now through 2024, $7 billion almost in federal education aid also will be used by 2024.”
May 06, 2021

New York City Comptroller Candidates Jostle Under the Radar

Bond Buyer

While the race for New York City comptroller has drawn few headlines compared with the joust for mayor, a dozen candidates are running for the office with primaries scheduled for June 22.

“The job of comptroller is essential to the fiscal health, governmental integrity and broader well-being of our city,” Andrew Rein, president of the watchdog Citizens Budget Commission, said at an online CBC candidates forum on Tuesday.
May 06, 2021

Democratic Comptroller Candidates Pitch Skills and Plans to Budget Watchdog

Gotham Gazette

Six leading candidates running in the Democratic primary for New York City Comptroller in the June election appeared at a forum on Tuesday to offer their perspectives on the role of the office, solutions to the city’s uncertain fiscal future, and how they would wield their powers to ensure city government is effective and fiscally responsible.

The candidates at the forum, hosted by Citizens Budget Commission, a nonprofit fiscal watchdog group, included Brooklyn City Council Member Brad Lander, military veteran and entrepreneur Zach Iscol, Manhattan State Senator Brian Benjamin, financial journalist Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and Queens Assemblymember David Weprin.
May 04, 2021

Ron DeSantis’ misleading claim about crime, police funding


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis lauded a new state law he championed as "the strongest anti-rioting, pro-law enforcement piece of legislation in the country."

New York City officials last year said they agreed to remove $1 billion from the police department’s spending. (The Citizens Budget Commission, a watchdog group, said the net reduction to the police budget so far has been about $477 million.) The department’s total budget for 2021 was $10.2 billion.
May 03, 2021

Good-gov­ernment advocates push contract database

Spectrum News

Signing onto the letter to Empire State Development were the organizations Reinvent Albany, Citizens Budget Commission, Citizens Union, Common Cause New York, League of Women Voters of New York State and NY Public Interest Research Group.

Calls for the database began after a massive pay-to-play corruption case involving upstate New York developers who were involved in the Buffalo Billion economic development program. The case would also draw in former SUNY Poly President Alain Kaloyeros and Joe Percoco, a former close aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.