
January 06, 2021

New York State Has the Resources to Halt Billions in Scheduled Budget Cuts and Reset Next Year’s Framework

Gotham Gazette

It should be noted that all fiscal year the State Division of the Budget has provided little in the way of specifics in its spending reductions, as to what areas of the budget are getting reduced, and what local governments and school districts are getting cuts and how much. A coalition of 20 advocacy groups called on the governor and the Division of the Budget to provide meaningful transparency for spending actions and decisions following a December 16 press conference by Governor Cuomo. I urged a similar disclosure process in my first column about this state budget, in April, as had the Citizens Budget Commission at the time.
January 03, 2021

4 things to watch from New York state government in 2021

Albany Business Review

The state's deficit is now at least $15 billion in the current budget year. And New York state and New York City are facing a combined budget gap of $73.3 billion over the next four years, according to a Citizens Budget Commission report.

Cuomo has been pushing for the federal government to include more relief for the state in its stimulus packages, but the most recent package does not provide as much relief as he was seeking. And even with more federal help, the Citizens Budget Commission said it would not be enough to close the gap.
December 31, 2020

How New York City can fix itself

Bond Buyer

"I think it’s fair to say that this is the worst fiscal crisis in generations, but it’s important to get under the hood of that and understand a little more,” said Citizens Budget Commission president Andrew Rein.

Meanwhile, budget watchdogs and others are suggesting the city explore how it can manage itself more efficiently.

“I think it’s fair to say that this is the worst fiscal crisis in generations, but it’s important to get under the hood of that and understand a little more,” said Citizens Budget Commission president Andrew Rein.

Lack of further direct aid could prompt de Blasio to revive his call for bonding to cover operations. Rein and CBC say such a move should only be a last resort and require what city officials dread — reactivation of the New York State Fiscal Control Board.
December 29, 2020

Predictions! Experts Look Ahead to 2021 in New York Politics

Gotham Gazette

Andrew Rein, President of Citizens Budget Commission

-The Governor and Mayor align more and more on pandemic management, helping schools and businesses reopen and ensuring speed and equity in vaccination.

-Another federal aid package is not enough to solve all the State, City, and MTA budget problems. The Governor will propose dramatic solutions to limit spending and possibly raise taxes while trying to care for the neediest New Yorkers and prevent flight, and the Mayor will revive his attempts to issue long-term debt to fund the city’s current spending levels.

-Faced with historic budget gaps, the Legislature agrees to strategic school aid cuts and reforms that improve equity.

-The Mayor's race goes into the Democratic primary with voters choosing from a large number of candidates, who in part diverge drastically on how to manage the fiscal crisis.
December 24, 2020

New York and MTA must do their part, too

Bond Buyer

“We have both strongly advocated for the city, state and the MTA to do what they can on their own, to take care of their own fiscal house, but also simultaneously said that we do need some help from the federal government, because if those don’t come together, MTA’s problems become the state’s problems and become the city’s problems,” said Andrew Rein, president of the watchdog Citizens Budget Commission.

“Either we turn the tide of the three of those, or they turn together on the worse.”
December 22, 2020

Congress came through. Why is real estate not satisfied?

The Real Deal

There is a debate about whether the rich will flee New York if taxes are raised. That is the wrong question, though. If the tax rate were raised to 100 percent, of course they would leave. The issue is how high a rate they will tolerate.

No one knows the answer, despite anecdotes about people moving to Florida, which has no state income tax. Indeed, the number of billionaires in New York City has increased since the first millionaires’ tax was passed in 2009. It’s apparently in the triple figures now, up from the 70s back then. It seems some folks are too busy making enormous sums of money to bother changing their tax residency, or just live wherever they want because they can

“The key is making sure that you are competitive relative to other jurisdictions,” said Andrew Rein, president of the Citizens Budget Commission.