
August 08, 2022

New York’s MTA Shops for New Funding as Fare Revenue Dwindles

Bloomberg News

The MTA should be looking at cost reductions now in its operating budget, according to Andrew Rein, president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a nonprofit group focused on state and city finances. The transit agency should realign service with fewer riders, ask workers to contribute more to their health insurance and consider one-person train operation rather than two, he suggested.

“We need a strong MTA that functions, but we also need an affordable government that functions well,” Rein said. “Raising taxes would potentially damage New York’s competitiveness.”
August 04, 2022

As U.S. economy slows, New York State faces lower revenue, budget gaps

The Bond Buyer

The Citizens Budget Commission noted the updated forecast shows significantly lower estimates of future tax receipts, reflecting a less optimistic economic outlook.

Going from five years of balanced budgets to multi-billion-dollar budget gaps reinforces the need to build reserves, restrain spending growth and implement long-run cost savings, the CBC said.

"This update provides state leaders with a sobering view of the road ahead," CBC President Andrew Rein said in a statement. "While fiscal year 2023 receipts are strong, downward revisions to future tax receipt forecasts opened budget gaps that grow from $310 million in fiscal year 2024 to $6.2 billion by fiscal year 2027."

Even before the forecast revisions, the future budget balances relied on non-recurring items and optimistic tax revenue projections. The future outlook now is much more fragile, CBC said.
August 02, 2022

Hochul, Democrats’ spending has NY facing fiscal cliff, watchdogs warn

New York Post

Budget watchdogs say state policymakers ought to restrain spending moving forward while reconsidering funding commitments made under previously rose fiscal projections that saw budget surpluses for years, in part thanks to federal COVID-19 funding.

"This considerable change—from five years of balanced budgets to widening and ultimately multi-billion-dollar budget gaps—reinforces the need to build reserves, vigilantly restrain spending growth, and identify and implement long-run cost savings,” Andrew Rein, president of Citizens Budget Commission, said in a statement.