
October 20, 2021

Retirees Flee City Medicare Program as Deadline Looms for Move to Private Health Plan


Ana Champeny, director of city studies at the fiscally conservative budget watchdog Citizens Budget Commission, said that the city is presenting retirees with a “set of reasonable options where they can make the choices for themselves.”

“These are very generous benefits, even compared to other municipalities.” Champeny said. “These costs need to be reined in.

Meanwhile, the Medicare Advantage move is the subject of two lawsuits seeking to prevent its implementation, both of which are being heard Wednesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

One, filed by insurance giant Aetna, which submitted a bid for the contract that was awarded to the Alliance, claims that the Office of Labor Relations violated city procurement law in awarding the contract, and that EmblemHealth and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield misrepresented their qualifications during the bidding process.
October 19, 2021

NYC Got Billions in Federal Aid Dollars. Now One Man Wants to Know Where It Went.

Bloomberg News

The next mayor could also set the city up for potential financial harm if he uses federal stimulus money to pay for new services, said Andrew Rein, president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a business-funded fiscal monitor.

Rein says Lander -- who was endorsed by politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren -- has run a far more progressive campaign than Eric Adams, the Democratic nominee favored to win the mayoral election in November. It could be difficult for Lander to restrain a mayor who proposes a multibillion dollar increase to the city’s capital plan to pay for affordable housing, Rein said.

“He’s in the interesting position being arguably more progressive on spending priorities than the mayor he is supposed to be providing oversight over,” Rein said.
October 15, 2021

'We Can Get More Out Of This Unique Space': Governors Island on the Way to Major Transformation

Gotham Gazette

“We need to use our land smartly, to drive innovation, revenue, and to continue to be New York City, the global center of the world,” said Alicia Glen, chair of the Trust for Governors Island and a former Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development under de Blasio, who appointed her to head the Trust. Glen appeared in July on the What’s The [Data] Point? podcast from Gotham Gazette and Citizens Budget Commission.
October 15, 2021

Can Pete Buttigieg have it all?

Politico New York

That ramp has been steep this week, as Buttigieg reverts to his “go everywhere” media habits.

Since Oct. 7, Buttigieg has appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” “MSNBC with Geoff Bennett,” CNN’s “New Day,” CNBC’s “Morning Bell,” Bloomberg TV’s “Balance of Power,” and the NPR Politics Podcast. He participated in virtual events to promote the infrastructure bill with the Commercial Club of Chicago and the Citizen Budget Commission of New York. He also attended a high-profile meeting with President JOE BIDEN Wednesday on supply chain bottlenecks.
October 14, 2021

New York comptroller launches portal to track COVID-19 spending


The state closed the application window for the Excluded Workers Fund last Friday and said it expects the funding to be exhausted by the end of this month.

The tracker was well received by government watchdog organizations.

“The public deserves to know how and when its money is being spent, and this provides much-needed insight into a broad range of important relief and recovery programs,” said Andrew S. Rein, president of the Citizens Budget Commission. “The massive influx of federal aid provides great opportunities, but only if it is managed well and drives results.”
October 13, 2021

NYC Cops Log Millions of Overtime Hours. New Yorkers Don’t Feel Safer.

Bloomberg News

Although paying for excess hours can cost less than hiring new cops, overtime contributes to future pension costs.

“If your last few years before you retire, you work 300, 400 hours of overtime and bump up your pay by $40,000, that all goes into the salary that your pension is based on,” said Ana Champeny, director of city studies at New York’s Citizens Budget Commission.

Champeny says that added pension benefits incentivize overtime, particularly among more senior, highly-compensated officers. New York state, by contrast, only includes up to 15% of overtime when calculating pensions.