
December 21, 2020

New York Sees Boost in Latest Covid-19 Aid Package

Wall Street Journal

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, both Democrats, on Monday criticized the spending package for omitting aid to local governments. But Andrew Rein, president of Citizens Budget Commission, a nonpartisan fiscal watchdog, said the package would indirectly benefit city and state by helping some of the businesses and institutions hit hardest by the pandemic.
December 18, 2020

NY Tax Talk: 2020 In The Rearview


Other recent reports, however, caution that New Yorkers shouldn't expect potential marijuana tax revenues to solve all the state's fiscal woes. The Citizens Budget Commission, for example, released a November report arguing that New York should be hesitant about relying on potential revenues from the legalization of recreational marijuana as a way to quickly close gaps in the state's budget.
December 17, 2020

De Blasio says his NYC budget plan hinges on Georgia Senate races

New York Post

“The City needs to take steps to stabilize finances and most of that should be focused on restructuring government and working on saving money in the long run,” said Andrew Rein, the president of the Citizens Budget Commission.

“The city deserves federal aid which will help them bridge this problem of COVID, but that federal aid has never in the past — and will not this time — take care of that problem forever.”
December 14, 2020

Heastie expects Albany will raise income taxes as early as this month


The independent Citizens Budget Commission warned that further taxing of the wealthiest New Yorkers, which is proposed by much of the Assembly’s Democratic majority, may come with a price for the state.

"New York's leaders must seriously consider the risk that wealthy New Yorkers leave the state, taking their important share of state taxes with them," said commission’s president Andrew Rein. "If just 1% of the top 1% that leaves, it will cost New York State approximately $200 million."