$8.8 Trillion, with Adrienne Harris

June 27, 2024
$8.8 trillion is the total combined assets of the nearly 3,000 financial institutions that are regulated and supervised by the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS). In addition to navigating serious banking crises in recent years, DFS faces challenges on the horizon: artificial intelligence, cyber security, and cryptocurrency, to name a few. Joining the podcast is DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris, who shares with us the important work state leadership is doing to ensure a strong and secure financial services sector, while navigating this rapidly changing landscape.

6,632, with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright

June 13, 2024
6,632 is the number of NYC households who responded to CBC's 2023 NYC Resident Survey: "Straight from New Yorkers." The survey provides the most comprehensive, statistically valid, post-pandemic view of how New Yorkers are feeling about the City's quality of life and the quality of government services. Among the many eyebrow-raising pieces of feedback coming Straight from New Yorkers: Only 30% of rate their quality of life as excellent or good, down from 50% in 2017. Joining the pod to discuss the survey results and the City's priorities is New York City First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright.

1.4%, with Vicki Been

May 02, 2024
1.4% is NYC’s current—and historically low—apartment vacancy rate. New York City and State are in the throes of a housing crisis caused by decades of underproduction. To discuss the latest housing policy news affecting both NYC and the state, we’re joined by national housing expert Vicki Been, professor at NYU's Furman Center and former NYC Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development.

$60 billion, with Lisa Bova-Hiatt and Jamie Rubin

April 05, 2024
$60 billion is how much NYCHA plans to invest in its infrastructure over 5 years. Facing ongoing challenges such as budget gaps, weakening rent collection, and deteriorating physical conditions, NYCHA CEO Lisa Bova-Hiatt and Chair Jamie Rubin shared their strategies for managing the nation's largest public housing system.

$233 billion, with Blake Washington

March 26, 2024
$233 billion is the total NYS budget proposed by Governor Hochul for fiscal year 2025. NYS Budget Director Blake Washington spoke with CBC President Andrew Rein on the State's fiscal picture and other pressing issues facing New York.

$39.5 billion, with Chancellor David Banks and Emma Vadehra

March 05, 2024
$39.5 billion is spent by NYC annually to educate our students. The New York City Public Schools has an enormous and challenging task: educate and develop 900,000 students from a wide diversity of backgrounds and needs. Are we getting the return we need on our dollars? How are our students doing? NYC Schools Chancellor David Banks and Deputy Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer Emma Vadehra discuss.

151,700, with Maria Doulis

January 31, 2024
151,700 is the net loss of New York personal income tax filers in 2020 and 2021. Was this primarily due to the pandemic? CBC is relaunching its podcast with a focus on policy discussions, starting with the podcast's founder and CBC alum Maria Doulis, Deputy New York State Comptroller for Budget and Policy Analysis. Tune in as we explore the challenge of retaining and attracting more New Yorkers.

85%, with Doreen Harris and Basil Seggos

January 26, 2024
85% is the amount New York State must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The State’s Cap-and-Invest program is a key strategy to cap and reduce emissions, auction emission rights, and invest proceeds in energy transition. Doreen Harris, President and CEO of NYS Energy Research and Development Authority, and Basil Seggos, Commissioner of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, joined CBC to discuss Cap-and-Invest, and much more.

$1.5 trillion, with the MTA's Janno Lieber and Jamie Torres-Springer

December 19, 2023
$1.5 trillion is the MTA’s total asset value—the trains, buses, yards, and stations...all the infrastructure moving New Yorkers round the clock. At a recent CBC event, MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber and President of Construction and Development Jamie Torres-Springer discussed congestion pricing, fare evasion, congestion pricing, state of good repair, the future of Penn Station, and more.

$10.6 billion, with Andrew Rein and Ana Champeny

December 11, 2023
$10.6 billion is the real-world, all-in budget gap that NYC could be facing once you include all spending that is currently unbudgeted or underbudgeted. In a co-production with Ben Max's podcast "Max Politics," CBC President Andrew Rein and Vice President for Research Ana Champeny about the City's decisions and unforeseen events that lead to the real-world budget gap, and the options for closing it.