44 million, with Commissioner Jessica Tisch

October 20, 2023
44 million pounds of trash are generated by New Yorkers every day. The NYC Department of Sanitation not only collects residential waste, recyclables, and compostables, but it also removes snow, cleans streets and lots, removes graffiti, and fights rats. CBC Chair Marissa Shorenstein is joined by Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch, who is leading "New York's Trash Revolution." The revolution includes expanding composting citywide, residential and commercial waste containerization, sanitation truck and bin redesign, and more.

4.67 million, with Andrew Kimball

October 05, 2023
4.67 million is the total number of jobs in New York City, just shy of employment pre-pandemic. Though the economy is stable and employment generally strong, challenges remain. The economy is undergoing longer term transformation including remote work, which will affect our labor market and commercial real estate, and the City faces proximate challenges with the influx of new migrants and asylum seekers. NYC EDC's President and Executive Director joined CBC to discuss the Administration’s economic growth strategy, projects ranging from Willets Point to SPARC Kips Bay, the green economy and offshore wind, soccer, ferries, and more.

50,000, with Hope Knight

June 29, 2023
50,000 is the number of jobs New York State expects to be created over the next 20 years by attracting Micron to central New York with $7.2 billion of incentives. New York has long been a leader in economic development, with the State and localities offering tax incentives and spending totaling over $10 billion a year. Joining the podcast to discuss the Micron deal, workforce development, the film tax credit, Penn Station, and what analysis is done to show these investments are worth the cost is Hope Knight, President, CEO & Commissioner of Economic State Development.

$4.3 billion, with NYC Budget Director Jacques Jiha

June 09, 2023
$4.3 billion is the Adams' Administration's estimate of the cost to house and provide services to asylum seekers this and next year. But that is only a small portion of the City's fiscal challenges. NYC Budget Director Jacques Jiha joined the CBC to discuss the fiscal year 2024 Executive Budget, negotiations with the City Council, future budget gaps, efforts to improve the City's management and more.

70+, with Kathryn Garcia

May 09, 2023
70+ is the number of agencies and authorities that report through New York State's Deputy Secretaries to New York's Director of State Operations and Infrastructure, Kathryn Garcia. She joined the podcast at a critical time for our State's economy, and after the $229 billion budget was passed by the Legislature one month into the fiscal year. Listen as we learn how the State tries to solve our housing crisis, face our environmental crises, educate our children, and ensure workers and businesses thrive within New York, and much more.

3, with First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright

April 04, 2023
3 is the number of letters in Mayor Adams' favorite mantra: G.S.D., Get Stuff Done. They Mayor has introduced many plans: Rebuild, Renew, Reinvent; Care, Community, Action; City of Yes; and Housing our Neighbors, to name a few. But the impact is in the implementation. Joining the podcast is First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, who talks about the Administration's GSD management approach, the City and State budgets, how the Mayor and Governor align on housing, and much more.

$227 billion, with NYS Budget Director Robert Megna

March 20, 2023
$227 billion is the size of the NYS FY 2024 Executive Budget. The State's finances are in a precarious state, with the economy uncertain and the budget going from riches to rags. There is an $8 billion surplus this year, but outyear gaps of over $7 billion and a $12 billion structural gap. Joining the podcast is NYS Budget Director Robert Megna, who was appointed only 10 days prior to this recording and has returned to the role he held from 2009-2015.

80%, with Chief Climate Officer Rohit Aggarwala

November 23, 2022
80% is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions NYC buildings are required to achieve by 2050 under Local Law 97. This is but one of the many climate and environmental initiatives New York City will implement in the years to come. As the science, technology, and needs continue to evolve, how will the City achieve its goals in a way that is effective, efficient, and flexible? At a recent CBC Trustee event, Rohit Aggarwala, NYC's Chief Climate Officer and Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, discussed these initiatives and more with CBC President Andrew Rein.

1 in 3, with Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz

November 11, 2022
1 in 3 is the number of households in New York City that are severely rent burdened. That means nearly 600,000 households are spending more than half of their monthly income on rent, electricity, and heat. At a recent CBC Trustee event, Jessica Katz, NYC's Chief Housing Officer, discussed how the Adams administration is tackling NYC's housing needs and managing its housing agenda to ensure success.

2 1/2, the Land Use Edition

October 04, 2022
2 1/2 is the average number of years it takes a private rezoning application to get approved in New York City, and that doesn't include the often lengthy informal pre-review negotiations. This is one of many findings in CBC's report "Improving New York City's Land Use Decision-Making Process," which can be found at cbcny.org. At a special panel discussion, Maria Torres-Springer, the Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development, delivered opening remarks on the Administration's efforts to tackle New York's housing challenges, followed by a policy panel steeped in experience with New York City's land use process.