What's the [DATA] Point?

What's the [DATA] Point? is a podcast by Citizens Budget Commission and Gotham Gazette on New York State and City policies.


It's hosted by Ben Max, Executive Editor of Gotham Gazette, and Andrew Rein, President of the Citizens Budget Commission, and produced by Kevin Medina and William J. Rice.


Stream below or download on your phone via iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.



75%, with Marisa Lago

June 29, 2018
75% is the share of jobs gained since the recession in the NYC metropolitan region that were created in New York City, a datapoint revealed in a forthcoming report from the Department of City Planning. Marisa Lago, Director of the Department and Chair of the City Planning Commission, joined CBC to discuss some of the report's findings as well as neighborhood revitalization, housing affordability, and resiliency and sustainability.

$225 million, with NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer

June 21, 2018
$225 billion is the total amount added to reserves and the retiree health benefits trust fund in the recently adopted budget. In contrast, the City added more than $2 billion in new spending, far outpacing what was set aside. NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer joined the podcast to discuss the adequacy of the City's reserves, agency spending, and other issues

2020, with Deputy Mayor Phil Thompson

June 07, 2018
2020 is the year of the next Census, a national survey that determines the number of seats each state is allocated in the House of Representatives, and informs policy and funding decisions at all levels of government. Phil Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives, is in charge of coordinating the City's public outreach in the months leading up to the Census. The Deputy Mayor joined the podcast to discuss the importance of Census outreach and the many other initiatives he is spearheading.

1,988 lbs, with Council Member Antonio Reynoso

May 31, 2018
1,988 lbs is the average amount of garbage a NYC household throws out each year. City Council Member Antonio Reynoso, Chair of the Council’s Sanitation Committee, joined to discuss the cost of disposing trash, the capture rate of recyclable materials, commercial waste management, and other important issues related to sanitation and the environment.

402, with Commissioner Mark Peters

May 17, 2018
402 is the projected headcount at the Department of Investigation at the end of FY 2018. Since 2013, the DOI’s budget has grown from $30.6 million to $48.2 million, an increase of 58%. DOI Commissioner Mark Peters discusses the reasons behind this growth and the major investigations he has led.

176,000, with Patrick Orecki

May 11, 2018
176,000 is the number of New Yorkers statewide currently enrolled in Health Home, a Medicaid program that coordinates care for individuals with complex health needs. CBC Research Associate Patrick Orecki summarizes the state's experience with the Health Home initiative.

You can read CBC's report "Options for Enhancing New York's Health Home Initiative" here: https://cbcny.org/research/options-enhancing-new-yorks-health-home-initiative

4, with Sally Goldenberg

May 04, 2018
4 is the number of neighborhood rezonings that have been passed under Mayor de Blasio. Sally Goldenberg, Politico's Senior Reporter on real estate and housing, joined Ben and Maria to discuss the rezonings that have passed, those that haven’t, possible future rezonings, and more on housing and real estate.

5.8%, with Ana Champeny

April 27, 2018
5.8% - the increase in city-funded spending in the New York City Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2019. Ana Champeny joins Ben and Maria to discuss increased spending, new initiatives, taxes, reserves, and more.