What's the [DATA] Point?

What's the [DATA] Point? is a podcast by Citizens Budget Commission and Gotham Gazette on New York State and City policies.


It's hosted by Ben Max, Executive Editor of Gotham Gazette, and Andrew Rein, President of the Citizens Budget Commission, and produced by Kevin Medina and William J. Rice.


Stream below or download on your phone via iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.



$88.7 billion, with Mara Gay

February 02, 2018
$88.7 billion is the NYC Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2019, released yesterday by Mayor Bill de Blasio. City-funded expenditures are up 4.3 percent over fiscal year 2018. Wall Street Journal City Hall reporter Mara Gay joined WT[D]P to wade into the preliminary budget's details.

$14.3 billion, with First Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan

January 25, 2018
New York taxpayers could lose as much as $14.3 billion in federal tax deductions because of the capping of the state and local tax deduction in the new federal tax law. NYS Budget Director Robert Mujica and NYC First Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan discuss the potential impact and possible responses at a special conference event.

$168.2 billion, with David Friedfel

January 18, 2018
$168.2 billion is the NYS Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Dave Friedfel joins WT[D]P to discuss budget growth, school aid, medicaid, economic development, and proposals to deal with the impact of federal tax law changes.

$3.2 billion, with James Patchett

January 12, 2018
$3.2 billion -- how much New York City spent on economic development in 2016, including tax expenditures, operating costs, and capital spending.

NYCEDC President and CEO James Patchett joins the podcast to discuss the City's development strategy, tax breaks, NYC Ferry and the BQX project.

374, with Laura Nahmias

January 08, 2018
374 is the number of pages in Governor Cuomo's State of the State policy book. Laura Nahmias of Politico NY joins the podcast to discuss what the new year has in store for State and City politics.

2.7%, with Alex Heil

December 20, 2017
2.7% is the economic growth forecast for 2018 in the Port Authority’s 17-county region, which encompasses more than 200 municipalities. The Port Authority's Chief Economist Alex Heil joined WT[D]P to discuss the economic and transportation trends that impact the Port's bottom line.

1996, with Chris Jones

December 14, 2017
1996 is the last time a comprehensive regional plan was issued by the Regional Plan Association. Special guest Chris Jones, Senior Vice President and Chief Planner at RPA, joined the podcast to discuss the 4th Regional Plan, which was released last month. The plan contains 61 separate recommendations in four action areas that represent major challenges and areas of opportunity.

10 years, with Michael Jacobson

December 06, 2017
10 years is the amount of time the de Blasio administration says it will take to shut down Rikers Island.

Special guest Michael Jacobson is the executive director of the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance. He was once the City's Correction Commissioner as well as the Probation Commissioner.  He is a member of the Lippman Commission, convened by the City Council to solve the crisis at Rikers. Michael joined the podcast to discuss the Commission's findings--namely to close Rikers and move the inmates to facilities near courthouses and civic centers throughout the boroughs.