What's the [DATA] Point?

What's the [DATA] Point? is a podcast by Citizens Budget Commission and Gotham Gazette on New York State and City policies.


It's hosted by Ben Max, Executive Editor of Gotham Gazette, and Andrew Rein, President of the Citizens Budget Commission, and produced by Kevin Medina and William J. Rice.


Stream below or download on your phone via iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.



95, with City Council Member Julissa Ferreras-Copeland

September 28, 2017
95 is the number of days remaining in the second term of City Council Member Julissa Ferreras-Copeland. Julissa is the first woman, first person of color, and the youngest person to chair the Council’s powerful Committee on Finance, which oversees the adoption of the City’s $85 billion annual budget.

This past June Julissa announced that she would not seek another term in the Council-- she discussed with us her time in the City Council, especially as finance chair, and more.

77,651, with HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer

September 21, 2017
77,651 is the number of affordable housing units financed thus far in Mayor de Blasio’s 10-year plan to construct or preserve a total of 200,000 affordable units over 10 years. Since the Mayor took office, NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) has overseen the commitment of $2.8 billion for affordable housing, most of it through loans and development programs.

HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer joins the podcast to discuss the progress of and challenges to the ambitious Housing New York plan.

$66 Billion, with Alex Matthiessen

September 07, 2017
Today’s data point is $66 billion – the amount New York’s school districts received in revenue during the 2015-2016 school year. The state's 674 districts collect an average of $23,635 per student - however, 15 districts surpass this amount, collecting $40,000 per student, while 11 districts fall short, collecting only $11,000 per student.

Broken down by revenue source there’s even more variability, with some districts getting less than 5 percent of revenues from the state, while others rely on state funding for more than 80 cents of every dollar they spend.

Dig deeper with CBC's related blog and interactive map at www.cbcny.org

30%, with Deputy Mayor Richard Buery

August 31, 2017
This week's data point is 30% - the share, based on dollar value, of city contracts to be awarded to minority- and women-owned businesses by fiscal year 2021, according to a goal set by Mayor Bill de Blasio in September 2016. New York City Deputy Mayor Richard Buery joins the podcast to discuss his efforts to meet that goal.

$1.5 billion, with

August 16, 2017
This week's datapoint is $1.5 billion - the amount of money that can be raised by the congestion pricing plan known as MOVE NY. The plan introduces tolls to the East River bridges, a surcharge on taxis and for-hire vehicles, and lays out specific plans for using the funding to improve transportation across the city.

$17 Billion, with NYCHA Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye

August 10, 2017
This week's data point is $17 billion - the capital needs for rehabilitating the nation's largest housing authority. NYCHA Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye joins the podcast to discuss strategies for addressing these capital needs and to review progress implementing NextGenNYCHA, its strategic plan.


August 03, 2017
This week's datapoint is 2008 - the year in which NYC's economy entered the Great Recession. Special guest John Breit, former chief risk advisor to Merrill Lynch, shares with us his unique perspective on the recession and on the risks of the City's investments in the pension funds.

100,000, with Alicia Glen

July 27, 2017
This weeks data point is 100,000 - the number of “good-paying jobs” the de Blasio administration says it will foster over the next 10 years. Special Guest Alicia Glen, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development, discusses the news jobs plan, as well as commercial development, affordable housing, and NYC's competitiveness.